
UPC Print

UPC Print is part of UPC Centre which comprises of UPC Print, UPC Media, UpCode, Wasa Innovation Center, Bock´s Corner Brewery and Bock´s Corner Village. At UPC we offer on-line, in-line and off-line solutions for communication printed , on the web or through mobile. Our technically advanced facilities (biggest and most modern heat-set offset in Scandinavia) allow for export mainly to Scandinavia, UK, Germany and Russia but also include USA, Brazil, Africa and even Australia and China. We solve in modern way new concepts for printed products including advanced technology for low grammage production using highly environmentally friendly new paper qualities and unique formats. Specializing in zip-code data for retailers in direct marketing. We fully compensate carbon footprint. Additionally we print ID with sensors.

We offer

Magazines, Direct marketing products, Books and catalogues, SuperMedia solutions (mobile&web) with zip-code data collection and AI.

Printing of ID with sensors

Selected references

VIDAL prof.medical catalogues, OTTO consumer catalogues, IKEA direct marketing, PIRKKA personalized high volume magazine, VI BILÄGARE biggest carmagazine in Sweden, MEGA cards and digitalized retail

We are looking for

Projects to optimize communication including but not limited to printed products either for consumers or B2B. Unique solutions for education and integration of social functions in advertising and workflow managements.

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