

UpCode is part of UPC Center. We offer innovative end to end solutions based on AutoID of items, people, documents, places, processes etc. We are experts in mobile technology and usage of optical smart scanning of barcodes, picture recognition and optical sensortechnology. UpCode technologies cover the digitalized fields of transactions/payments, auto reporting, workforce management, logistics/ item level control, healthcare, education, marketing, tourism, anti-fake, ID and authentication. UpCode is today worldwide recognized for autoID and autoReport system specially used in lifecycle management.

We offer

System with Apps + plug-in solutions, Databases free of human error, TAG Management, Chain management, Content management, AutoID, AutoReport System

Selected references

VAMK, SRV, Vilnius Tourism, Mirka, Tampere Traffic, Stormossen, Skaala, Alger Trade Register, Adhaar ID in India, MAN Web, Tyky-Online, Goss Internation, Buenos Aires driving licence, VTT, Yedioth

We are looking for

  • Partners in the global market for item level control and lifecycle management
  • Security solutions for documents
  • Partners in knowledge based information systems
  • Ecosystems for cleantech