
KVVY Tutkimus

KVVY Tutkimus Oy can help you with all your needs in environmental research and monitoring. We are one of the biggest laboratories in Finland in the field of environmental research. We use traditional measurement methods as well as modern automated monitoring systems with ability to produce advanced reporting (accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025 standard). You can take the advantage of the combined skills and knowledge of our chemists, biologists and microbiologists. They help you to select the best analysis methods for your needs.
We also have a specialized food laboratory that provides chemical and microbiological analysis services as well as training in food hygiene.

We offer

  • Environmental research and sampling
  • Water and sludge analyses (drinking-, natural-, waste- and process waters )
  • Characterization and chemical analysis of waste materials
  • Measuring heat of combustion
  • Environmental permit application
  • Environmental impact assessment

Selected references

KVVY Tutkimus Oy has multiple references in environmental monitoring for authorities, companies, municipalities and other organisations.

We are looking for

KVVY has The Finnish Social Enterprise certificate. This certificate recognizes that the company works to solve environmental problems. We are here to help our customers to inhibit pollution and prevent climate change.

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